App Preview Video


This video was made as a preview to the app to be featured in both the iOS and Android app stores. The goal was to entice users to download the app by offering a quick and engaging showcase of its features, activities, and unique value propositions.


App Preview Video






3-4 weeks

Not only did this video serve to increase app downloads but was also repurposed in mid-funnel sales contexts for prospects to get a quick understanding of Neuroflow’s end-user application.

In the production process, collaboration played a pivotal role. Working closely with the product team and product marketers, we curated a script to highlight specific activities and features. We needed to tell a story that accurately represented the app's functionality but also engaged and resonated with the target audience.

To bring the app to life visually, I integrated a combination of the product team's UI designs and supporting animations. I modified the UI designs in Figma to work with the script and then brought them into AfterEffects to animate. Balancing the technical aspects of the app's features with aesthetically pleasing animations became a key focus, emphasizing both functionality and visual appeal.

Moreover, navigating within the limitations of app store rules added an extra layer of challenge. Adhering to these guidelines, we ensured that the video not only met the technical specifications but also complied with the visual and content-related regulations set by the app stores.